Preface.- Dedication.- Part I - Inference.- Robust Statistical Inference for One-shot Devices Based on Density Power Divergences: An Overview (N. Balakrishnan, E. Castilla, L. Pardo).- Statistical Meaning of Mean Functions: A Novel Matrix Mean Derived from Fisher Information, authors: A.M. Kagan, P.J. Smith).- The Legend of the Equality of OLSE and BLUE: highlighted by C.R. Rao in 1967 (A. Markiewicz, S. Puntanen, G.P.H. Styan).- Comparison of Local Powers of Some Exact Tests for a Common Normal Mean with Unequal Variances (Y.G. Kifle, A.M. Moluh, B.K. Sinha).- Quantile Function: Overview of Collaboration with Professor C. R. Rao (G.J. Babu).- Part II - Distribution Theory.- Some Bivariate and Multivariate Models Involving Independent Gamma Distributed Components (B.C. Arnold).- An Absolute Continuous Bivariate Inverse Generalized Exponential Distribution: Properties, Inference and Extensions (D. Kundu).- Part III - Multivariate Analysis.- The Likelihood Ratio Test of Equality of Mean Vectors with a Doubly Exchangeable Covariance Matrix (C.A. Coelho, J. Pielaszkiewicz).- Bilinear Regression with Rank Restrictions on the Mean and the Dispersion Matrix (D. von Rosen).- Limiting Canonical Distribution of Two Large Dimensional Random Vectors (Z. Bai, Z. Hou, J. Hu, D. Jiang, X. Zhang).- Some Contributions to Multivariate Analysis due to C. R. Rao and Associated Developments (Y. Fujikoshi).- On Testing Structures of the Covariance Matrix: A Non-normal Approach (T. Kollo, M. Valge).- Part IV - Design and Sampling.- The Existence of Perpendicular Multi-arrays (K. Matsubara, S. Kageyama).- Statistical Design Issues for fMRI Studies: A Beginner's Training Manual (B.K. Sinha, N.K. Mandal, M. Pal).- A Review of Rigorous Randomized Response Methods for Protecting Respondent's Privacy and Data Confidentiality (T. Nayak).- Part V - Shape and Circular Analysis.- A Statistical Analysis of the Cardioid Radial Growth Model (J.T. Kent, K.V. Mardia, L. Ippoliti, P. Valentini).- A Flexible Family of Mixed Distributions for Discrete Linear and Continuous Circular Random Variables (A. SenGupta, K. Shimizu, S.H. Ong, R. Das).- Goodness of Fit for Wrapped Stable Distributions Based on the Characteristic Function (S.G. Meintanis, S.R. Jammalamadaka, Q. Jin).- Part VI - Applications.- Partial Differential Equations Models and Riemann-Stieltjes Integrals in Measuring Sustainability (A.S.R.S. Rao, S. Saride).- Extreme Point Methodology in Power Calculations - The Case of Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium (S. Venkatesan, M.B. Rao, H.-I. Hsiao).- Part VII - General.- On the Association of Professor C. R. Rao with the Poznan School of Mathematical Statistics and Biometry (T.Calinski).

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