Microbial Resource Technologies for Sustainable Development describes the production and uses of microbial cells and metabolites and reviews the microbial resource technologies associated with providing sustainable solutions options in future endeavors in managing microbial resources. The book includes the recent development and scientific demonstrations of microbial technologies in the relationship between microbes and the environment, focusing on its effective resource management to achieve agricultural and environmental sustainability. Topics covered in the book include recent applications and exploration of the development of Marine Microbial Technologies for marine resources, soil microbes as biopolymers for enhancing mechanical properties of soil, and more.
Other topics discussed include rhizosphere microbiome for enhancement of the cereal crops, endophytic fungal communities in crops grown under different farming systems, microbiota of termite for lignocellulose breakdown, microbial consortium technologies to produce biomethane from waste effluents, microbial technologies for sustainable food additives production, biological synthesis of the nanoparticles, fungal cellulases, and efficient biofuel and acetic acid production using waste residues with an emphasis on the commercial exploitation of such microbial technologies.
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