One of the original researchers into the medical benefits of psychedelics and his co-writer team up in a lively yet exhaustive book that answers every question about microdosing psilocybin, as well as LSD and other frequently miscrodosed substances.
Microdosing is not just trending; it's taken off. It's the classic healthful and helpful self-medication technique, which is why everyone who is considering microdosing--or hasn't quite gotten the hang of it--needs a single authoritative source.
--To take the edge off anxiety
--To relieve pain without opiates
--For enhanced focus and mental acuity
--To help get off chemical anti-depressants, and eventually to replace those anti-depressants
--To sleep longer, more soundly, less stressfully
--Not necessarily to open the "doors of perception", but to become more aware, no notice one's surroundings and retain those impressions Just three of the 337 important, researched nuggets readers will learn:
--The importance of cycling on and off the miscrodosing substance; no one should microdose every day
--How to tell if the substance, and the dose, of what you're taking is what you believe it to be
--If you're intoxicated, you're not microdosing
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