While most mental skills books for golf adopt a narrow focus on teaching skills that target performance, this book uses a holistic approach and provides tools to organize your thinking. You will learn to direct your mind with focused purpose to help you achieve your goals.
Mind Hack Your Golf explores the 5P's of a great golf mind:
1. Preparation - explores how to create the right headspace by building self-awareness. The importance of a developing a growth versus fixed mindset, self-belief and self-discipline are emphasized and the steps required to set SMART process, performance and outcome goals are addressed.
2. Practice - discusses the importance of identifying individual learning preferences and introduces mindfulness practices, concentration techniques, self-talk and imagery that help build a mental skills tool kit for use during training and competition.
3. Performance - explores the impact of the conscious, sub-conscious and unconscious mind on performance and highlights the stages of skill development. The need to build self-trust and to be able to accept mistakes by managing ones emotions is emphasized.
4. Pursuit - explores the benefits of positive psychology and maintaining positive emotional states during competition. The benefits of identifying core values that can build character while promoting enjoyment and success are highlighted.
5. Progress - promotes an action-learning approach that emphasizes the need to keep things simple while focusing on specific aspects of practice. A continuous quality improvement process is described to facilitate development in areas of weakness.
At the end of each section there are a number of reflective questions to guide the reader on areas to focus on and ways in which they can challenge themselves and their game.
The tips, tricks, and strategies in this book provide a solid platform that will enable any golfer to create their own mind mastery. By implementing the tactics in this book you can take your golf game to the next level.
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