To deal with this new reality, many companies are rolling out new collaborative approaches and technologies that connect people in new and powerful ways. Many experienced leaders are confident they will be able to figure out how to use these new social approaches and platforms as they go along. They personally use Linked-in or Facebook and think it will be easy.
Unfortunately it is not. In most companies it is not clear how these new collaborative technologies will deliver better business outcomes. While nobody believes that it can happen to them, 70% of initiatives will fail. The result will simply be more confusion, frustration and cognitive overload.
The sad reality is that many leaders are still trying to apply management approaches that are decades old. They are at a significant disadvantage to the next generation of 'digital native' leaders who grew using social platforms and collaborative learning as their default position. If you rely on email, 'top down' strategy development and situational leadership, then Network-Centred Leadership is written for you. It provides a practical leadership approach that can complement your existing approach and help protect your career.
Used well, it will help you to build effective teams, leverage new social platforms and lead successfully in today's increasingly complex and interconnected world.
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