Displaying results 193-240 of 1,421 Bio-ethics
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Optimal Wellbeing of Ageing Wild Animals in Human Care
by Sabrina Brando and othersIn Stock with SupplierHardback -
Animals in Detective Fiction
by Ruth Hawthorn and othersIn Stock with SupplierPaperback -
Centering the Margins in Bioethics
by Santiago Sanchez BorboaIn Stock with SupplierPaperback -
The Medico-Legal Development of Neurological Death in the UK
by Kartina A. ChoongIn Stock with SupplierPaperback -
Trophy Hunting
by Nikolaj Bichel and othersIn Stock with SupplierPaperback -
Introduction to Basics of Pharmacology and Toxicology
by Mageshwaran Lakshmanan and othersIn Stock with SupplierPaperback -
Animal Fiction in Late Twentieth-Century Canada
by Alice HiggsIn Stock with SupplierHardback -
Bees, Science, and Sex in the Literature of the Long Nineteenth Century
by Alexis Harley and othersIn Stock with SupplierHardback -
Halal Slaughter of Livestock: Animal Welfare Science, History and Politics of Religious Slaughter
by Awal FuseiniIn Stock with SupplierPaperback -
A Sociotheological Approach to Catholic Social Teaching
by Vivencio O. BallanoIn Stock with SupplierPaperback -
International Public Health Policy and Ethics
by Michael BoylanIn Stock with SupplierHardback -
by Stefania Achella and othersIn Stock with SupplierHardback -
Edmund Spenser and Animal Life
by Rachel Stenner and othersIn Stock with SupplierHardback -
Digital Ethics and Digital Citizenship
by Jason D. DeHartIn Stock with SupplierHardback -
Principles for Governance
by Alfredo Pereira Jr and othersIn Stock with SupplierHardback -
Beyond the North American Model of Wildlife Conservation
by Anja HeisterIn Stock with SupplierPaperback -
Literature, Science, and Animal Advocacy in Canada
by Candice Allmark-KentIn Stock with SupplierHardback -
Artificial Intelligence and Human Enhancement
by Herta Nagl-Docekal and othersIn Stock with SupplierPaperback -
Case Studies in the Ethics of Assisted Reproduction
by Louise P. King and othersIn Stock with SupplierHardback -
The Bridge Between Bioethics and Medical Practice
by Marko Curkovic and othersIn Stock with SupplierPaperback -
How Legal Theory Can Save the Life of Healthcare Ethics
by Ann M. HeestersIn Stock with SupplierPaperback -
Introduction to Medical Humanities
by Renzo Pegoraro and othersIn Stock with SupplierPaperback -
Vegetarianism and Science Fiction
by Joshua BulleidIn Stock with SupplierHardback -
Familiengründung Mittels Eizellspende
by Clemens HeyderIn Stock with SupplierHardback -
Transhumanism: Entering an Era of Bodyhacking and Radical Human Modification
by Emma Tumilty and othersIn Stock with SupplierPaperback -
The Viral Politics of Covid-19
by Vanessa Lemm and othersIn Stock with SupplierPaperback -
The Art of Flourishing
by Liz Bowen and othersComing SoonPaperback -
The Ethics of Killing
by Christian ErkIn Stock with SupplierPaperback -
by Henriette Herwig and othersIn Stock with SupplierPaperback -
Islam and Biomedicine
by Afifi al-Akiti and othersIn Stock with SupplierPaperback -
Organ Transplantation and Native Peoples
by Estevao Rafael Fernandes and othersIn Stock with SupplierPaperback -
Explaining Disease: Philosophical Reflections on Medical Research and Clinical Practice
by Raffaella CampanerIn Stock with SupplierPaperback -
The Creative Animal
by Roberto MarchesiniIn Stock with SupplierPaperback -
Multidisciplinarity and Interdisciplinarity in Health
by Nima RezaeiIn Stock with SupplierPaperback -
In(-)Kongruenz Leben
by Marvin GiehlIn Stock with SupplierPaperback -
Medical Assistance in Dying (MAID) in Canada
by Jaro Kotalik and othersIn Stock with SupplierHardback -
Fundamentals and Advances in Medical Biotechnology
by Mumtaz Anwar and othersIn Stock with SupplierPaperback -
The Hermeneutics of Medicine and the Phenomenology of Health
by Fredrik SvenaeusIn Stock with SupplierPaperback -
Thorny Issues in Clinical Ethics Consultation
by Katherine Wasson and othersIn Stock with SupplierPaperback -
Philosophy of Artificial Intelligence and Its Place in Society
by Luiz Moutinho and othersIn Stock with SupplierPaperback -
Perspectives on Ethical Hacking and Penetration Testing
by Keshav Kaushik and othersIn Stock with SupplierHardback -
Investigating the Impact of AI on Ethics and Spirituality
by Swati ChakrabortyIn Stock with SupplierPaperback -
Organspende als Herausforderung gelingender Kommunikation
by Julia Inthorn and othersIn Stock with SupplierPaperback -
Through the Scope of Life
by Polona Tratnik and othersIn Stock with SupplierHardback -
The Emergence of Biolaw
by Takis VidalisIn Stock with SupplierPaperback -
Animals, Ethics, and Language
by Rebekah HumphreysIn Stock with SupplierHardback -
Bioethics of Displacement and Its Implications
by Manuel Lozano RodrÃguezIn Stock with SupplierHardback -
The Suffering Animal
by Simone GhelliIn Stock with SupplierHardback