Displaying results 1-48 of 1,016 Chaos theory
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How Infrastructure Works
by Deb ChachraIn StockPaperback -
Making Sense of Chaos
by J. Doyne FarmerIn Stock with SupplierHardback -
Making Sense of Chaos
by J. Doyne FarmerComing SoonPaperback -
Recent Improvements in the Theory of Chaotic Attractors
by Rene Lozi and othersIn Stock with SupplierHardback -
Laser Resonators and Beam Propagation
by Norman Hodgson and othersComing SoonHardback -
Notes on Complexity
by Neil TheiseIn Stock with SupplierHardback -
Economic Bifurcation And Chaos
by William A BarnettIn Stock with SupplierHardback -
The Primacy of Doubt
by Timothy PalmerIn Stock with SupplierHardback -
Lozi, Henon and Belykh Chaotic Attractors
by Rene Lozi and othersIn Stock with SupplierHardback -
Everyday Chaos
by Brian CleggIn Stock with SupplierPaperback -
An Excursion Through Chaos
by Stuart WaltonIn Stock with SupplierHardback -
An Excursion Through Chaos
by Stuart WaltonIn Stock with SupplierPaperback -
Galileo Unbound
by David D. NolteIn Stock with SupplierHardback -
Application of New Cybernetics in Physics
by Oleg KupervasserIn Stock with SupplierPaperback -
Chaos Media
by Stephen KennedyIn Stock with SupplierPaperback -
Dynamical Chaos
by Nigel Oscar Weiss and othersIn Stock with SupplierHardback -
Small Perturbation Theory
by William Rees SearsIn Stock with SupplierHardback -
Chaos and Cosmos
by Heidi C. M. ScottBackorderPaperback -
Chaos Media
by Stephen KennedyIn Stock with SupplierHardback -
Chaos and Cosmos
by Heidi C. M. ScottBackorderHardback -
by Albert-laszlo BarabasiIn Stock with SupplierPaperback -
The Finite Element Method
by S. S. Quek and othersIn Stock with SupplierPaperback -
Differential Equations, Dynamical Systems, and an Introduction to Chaos
by Stephen Smale and othersIn Stock with SupplierHardback -
Systems Thinking
by Jamshid GharajedaghiIn Stock with SupplierPaperback -
Indra'S Net
by Robin RobertsonIn Stock with SupplierPaperback -
The Symmetry of Chaos
by Robert Gilmore and othersIn Stock with SupplierHardback -
Stochastic Dynamics and Control: Volume 4
by Jian-Qiao SunIn Stock with SupplierHardback -
Nonlinearity, Chaos, and Complexity
by Franco Vaio and othersIn Stock with SupplierHardback -
Nonlinearity, Chaos, and Complexity
by Franco Vaio and othersIn Stock with SupplierPaperback -
Hamiltonian Chaos and Fractional Dynamics
by George M. ZaslavskyIn Stock with SupplierHardback -
The Emergence of Everything
by MorowitzIn Stock with SupplierPaperback -
Chaos and Time-Series Analysis
by Julien Clinton SprottIn Stock with SupplierPaperback -
Handbook of Dynamical Systems: Volume 2
by B. FiedlerIn Stock with SupplierHardback -
The Computational Beauty of Nature
by Gary William FlakeIn Stock with SupplierPaperback -
Celestial Encounters
by Florin Diacu and othersIn Stock with SupplierPaperback -
Does God Play Dice?
by Ian StewartIn Stock with SupplierPaperback -
The Garden in the Machine
by Steven Sampson and othersIn Stock with SupplierPaperback -
From Clocks to Chaos
by Leon Glass and othersIn Stock with SupplierPaperback -
Ultra Poincare Chaos and Alpha Labeling
by Professor Marat AkhmetIn Stock with SupplierHardback -
Seleccion de escritos de MIGUEL IRADIER (Volumen II)
by Miguel IradierIn Stock with SupplierPaperback -
Chaotic Dynamics of Fractional Discrete Time Systems
by Vignesh Dhakshinamoorthy and othersIn Stock with SupplierHardback -
Electron-Photon Cascades
by Vladimir V. UchaikinIn Stock with SupplierHardback -
Literature and Ecotheology
by George B. HandleyIn Stock with SupplierHardback -
Encounters with Chaos and Fractals
by Denny Gulick and othersIn Stock with SupplierHardback -
Notes on Complexity
by Neil TheiseIn Stock with SupplierPaperback -
Fractional Dispersive Models and Applications
by Panayotis G. Kevrekidis and othersIn Stock with SupplierHardback -
Linear and Nonlinear Optical Spectroscopy and Microscopy
by Mengtao Sun and othersIn Stock with SupplierHardback -
Quantum Dot Lasers on Silicon
by Bozhang DongIn Stock with SupplierPaperback