Following Lessons are in this Noorani Quida to cover,
LESSON ONE - Basic Arabic Alphabet reading
LESSON TWO - Joint Letters
LESSON THREE - Huroofe-Muqatta'at (individual letters), (which appear at the beginning of some Surahs)
LESSON FOUR - Recite the Zabar, Zer and Pesh swiftly without dragging even slightly. Now in each block practice, the spelling as well as the swiftness and fluency.
LESSON FIVE - Practising Harkats and Huroofe-Illat
LESSON SIX - Tanween and Noon Saakin. Tanween means a double Zabar, double Zer or double Pesh
LESSON SEVEN - Rules of Noon Saakin and Tanween ( Rule No.:1: Izhaar (to read with no nasal sound, Rule No.:2: Ikhfaa to read with slight nasal sound )
LESSON EIGHT - Qalqalah (to read with an echoing sound)
LESSON NINE - 4 Rules of Stopping
LESSON TEN - After recognising the Tashdeed sign make the pupil understand that the Tashdeed is recited twice.
LESSON ELEVEN - If the Raa has a Dhammah or a Fathah
LESSON TWELVE - How to read with a full mouth empty mouth
LESSON THIRTEEN- Practice of Tashdeed followed by another Tashdeed
LESSON FOURTEEN- Tashdeed coming after the letters of Madd
LESSON FIFTEEN - Practice of Meem Saakin
LESSON SIXTEEN - The remaining laws of Noon Saakin and Tanween
LESSON SEVENTEEN- The unique script and writing of the Quraan
LESSON EIGHTEEN- The signs of Waqf (stopping).
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