Media star Jamila Rizvi’s exploration of the confidence deficit holding women back, the barriers to career success this can create, and how they might be overcome.
Accessible and timely, this is essential reading for millennial women. Australian women are suffering from a crisis of confidence about work. Accustomed to being overlooked and undervalued, even when women do get to the top, they explain their success away as ‘luck’. But it’s not.
Not Just Lucky exposes the structural and cultural disadvantages that rob women of their confidence often without them even realising it. Drawing on case studies, detailed research and her own experience in politics and media, Jamila Rizvi is the warm, witty and wise friend you’ve been waiting for. She’ll give you everything you need to start fighting for your own success and for a more inclusive, equal workplace for all. (She’ll also bring the red wine.)
This unashamedly feminist career manifesto is for women who worry they’ll look greedy if they ask for more money. It’s for women who dream big but dread the tough conversations. It’s for women who get nervous, stressed and worried, and seem to overthink just about everything.
It will help you realise that you’re not just lucky. You’re brilliant.
Reviewed by Olivia at Angus & Robertson Bookworld:
Girl power manifestos are a dime a dozen these days (not that I'm complaining!), but Not Just Lucky will be one of the essentials - it’s a must read for every millennial, no matter your gender.
Written by media extraordinaire Jamila Rizvi and backed up with solid case studies and statistics, Not Just Lucky is both a scathing look at the social structures which stop capable women from thriving in their careers and a radiant celebration of the brilliant women that succeed in spite of adversity. Filled with wit and glorious confidence, this is a kickass intersectional feminist career manifesto you will devour in one sitting before pushing it into the hands of all your fellow working girlfriends.
Praise for Not Just Lucky:
‘Feisty and inquisitive – a fresh take on modern feminist issues.’ Julia Gillard
‘Gentle, intelligent, meaningful and uncomfortably true career advice, and a huge high-five to sisterhood. Read it.’ Zoë Foster Blake
‘Funny, insightful and affirming, this book will have you fist pumping the air.’ Clementine Ford
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