This text deals with the design and analysis of integrated circuits with a specific focus on on-chip inductance effects. It has been described throughout this book that inductance can have a tangible effect on current high speed integrated circuits. For example, neglecting inductance and using an RC interconnect model in a production 0.25 & CMOS technology can cause large errors (over 35 per cent) in estimates of the propagation delay of on-chip interconnect. It has also been shown that including inductance in the repeater insertion design process as compared to using an RC model improves the overall repeater solution in terms of area, power, and delay with average savings of 40.8 per cent, 15.6 per cent, and 6.7 per cent, respectively. This volume is full of design and analysis techniques for RLC interconnect. These techniques are compared to techniques traditionally used for RC interconnect design to emphasize the effect of inductance. This work should be of interest to researchers in the area of high frequency interconnect, noise, and high performance integrated circuit design.
This text deals with the design and analysis of integrated circuits with a specific focus on on-chip inductance effects. It has been described throughout this book that inductance can have a tangible effect on current high speed integrated circuits. For example, neglecting inductance and using an RC interconnect model in a production 0.25 & CMOS technology can cause large errors (over 35 per cent) in estimates of the propagation delay of on-chip interconnect. It has also been shown that including inductance in the repeater insertion design process as compared to using an RC model improves the overall repeater solution in terms of area, power, and delay with average savings of 40.8 per cent, 15.6 per cent, and 6.7 per cent, respectively. This volume is full of design and analysis techniques for RLC interconnect. These techniques are compared to techniques traditionally used for RC interconnect design to emphasize the effect of inductance. This work should be of interest to researchers in the area of high frequency interconnect, noise, and high performance integrated circuit design.
- 9780792372936
- 9780792372936
- Category:
- Circuits & components
- Format:
- Hardback
- Publication Date:
- 28-02-2001
- Language:
- English
- Publisher:
- Springer
- Country of origin:
- Netherlands
- Pages:
- 303
- Dimensions (mm):
- 235x155x19mm
- Weight:
- 1.42kg
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