Chapter1. The Dynamics of the Stock Exchange Investments After Publishing Financial Reports by the Bucharest Stock Exchange Listed Companies.- Chapter2. Identifying the Optimum Social Site that Could Serve eLearning Purposes - A Preliminary Analysis.- Chapter3. Dark Spots in Trade Theory: Early Testing Attempts.- Chapter4. Specialized Applications Used in the Mobile Application Security Implementation Process.- Chapter5. The Impact of Cultural Orientation on the Societal Motivations of Luxury Good Consumption of IT Professionals in Sri Lanka.- Chapter6. EMS Implementation: A Theoretical Process Design Approach.- Chapter7. Information Areas in Logistics Supply Chain Management.- Chapter8. Measuring Female Entrepreneurs' Happiness from Online Feedback.- Chapter9. Modelling of Population Consumption in Conditions of Instability.- Chapter10. Organizational Commitment and Entrepreneurial Intentions among Employed Persons: Serbian Case.- Chapter11. Considerations on Financial Technology and the Impact on Financial System.- Chapter12. Does the National Cultural Dimensions Influence on the Economic Freedom?.- Chapter13. Evaluation of the Economic Values of the Heritage Buildings in the Historical Center of Bucharest Municipality.- Chapter14. Economic Intelligence - Using Innovation to Reinvent the Business.- Chapter15. Corporate Social Responsibility of Large Retailers. An International Comparison.- Chapter16. Balneary Tourism, a Chance for Sustainable Regional Development.- Chapter17. Raising Awareness on SDGs. A Multi-stakeholder Approach.- Chapter18. The Profile of the Project Manager in Academia.- Chapter19. E-Government Overview: Evidence of Theoretical and Empirical Models.- Chapter20. Mihail Manoilescu, A Researcher Who Tipped the Development and International Trade Theory - Sketch Portrait.- Chapter21. Convergence of Romanian Accounting Regulations with IFRS in the Context of Globalization.- Chapter22. The Direct Contribution of Tourism to the GDP in Romania.- Chapter23. The Influence of Intangible Assets in the Company Performance: The Case of the World's Most Profitable Corporations.- Chapter24. Circular Place Specific Innovative Solutions in a Complex & Dynamic World. Circular, Vital & Connected Local Communities.- Chapter25. Ways to Effectively Manage the Risks Associated with Transfer Pricing.- Chapter26. Marketing Automation Systems as Part of the Management Information Systems Evolution.- Chapter27. Flights Delay Compensation 261/2004 - a Challenge for Airline Companies?.- Chapter28. The Manifestation of Power: An Analysis of Ten Best Economies of the World.- Chapter29. Tax Burden, as Determining Factor of Tax Morale in Romania and European Union.- Chapter30. Tax Evasion - Part of the Underground Economy in Romania.- Chapter31. Segmenting Customers based on Key Determinants of Online Shopping Behavior.- Chapter32. Presence of Severe Injuries and Financial Burden of Hospitalization: A Case of Vietnam.- Chapter33. Causes of Public Expenditure Inefficiency and Proposals for Their Streamlining.

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