The Burning White is the epic conclusion to the Lightbringer series by New York Times bestseller Brent Weeks - one of the most popular fantasy series of recent years.
As the White King springs his great trap, and the Chromeria itself is threatened by treason and siege, Kip Guile and his companions will scramble to return for one impossible final stand.
In the darkest hour, will the Lightbringer come?
The Lightbringer series
The Black Prism
The Blinding Knife
The Broken Eye
The Blood Mirror
The Burning White
More novels from Brent Weeks:
Night Angel
The Way of Shadows
Shadow's Edge
Beyond the Shadows
Perfect Shadow (novella)
- 9781405537346
- 9781405537346
- Contemporary fiction
- Format:
- Downloadable audio file
- Publication Date:
- Publisher:
- Little, Brown Book Group
- Country of origin:
- United Kingdom
- Weight:
- 0.3kg
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