The essential guide to sleep from award-winning teenage well-being expert Nicola Morgan, author of bestselling Blame My Brain, The Teenage Guide to Stress and The Teenage Guide to Friends.
Late nights, addictive technology and minds racing with exam stress and friendship worries: it's no wonder the teenage stereotype is tired eyes and sleeping through the weekend. Just like adults, teenagers are sleeping less now than ever before, yet sleep is crucial to our health and well-being.
Internationally renowned expert on the teenage brain, Nicola Morgan, tackles this essential subject – asking why teenagers so desperately need a good night's sleep, exploring what a lack of sleep does to their developing brains, and explaining how to have the best sleep possible. Authoritative, accessible and informed by the latest scientific evidence, Nicola Morgan writes a fascinating and helpful guide for both teenagers and adults alike.
- Blame My Brain has sold 65,000 copies TCM, and Nicola Morgan is the go-to author on teenage psychology; she's respected and trusted by parents, teachers and teenagers.
- Clearly explores the science of sleep and offers practical advice for improving sleep patterns and mental well-being, with quizzes and sleep diaries for the reader to complete.
- Sleep is a hot topic. Matthew Walker's Why We Sleep was an international adult non-fiction bestseller, selling 250,000 copies TCM in the UK alone and dominating media attention. Why My Brain Needs Sleep focuses on the unique science of the teenage brain – an essential book for parents and their teenagers.
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