This book about the Olympic Games is part of the award-winning non-fiction series for teens, The Drum.
The Games: It is why we are transfixed by the Olympic Games every four years. The runner who hitched a lift in the marathon. The wrestling match that lasted twelve hours. The men and women who reflect the best and worst in all of us. The funny, bizarre and touching moments that people are still talking about. These are the highs and lows of the modern Olympics.
- 9781742032221
- 9781742032221
- Sports & outdoor recreation (Children's / Teenage)
- Age range:
- + years old
- Format:
- Paperback
- Publication Date:
- Publisher:
- Walker Books Australia
- Country of origin:
- Australia
- Pages:
- 160
- Dimensions (mm):
- 208x140x12mm
- Weight:
- 0.18kg
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