Our Granny needs supervision day and night. She is a walking catastrophe. Talk about little kids getting into regular trouble - Granny is a thousand times worse... Two stories. One book. Lots of laughs.
Story One - Amazon Granny. Granny is going to the Amazon to find the Tootle Bootle bird which hasn't been seen for fifty years. But is Granny ready for the jungle? And is the Amazon ready for Granny?
Story Two - Granny Camper. Granny is looking forward to a camping adventure. But she gets more than she bargains for when the Motorhome from Meg and Morrie's Motorhome Emporium arrives...
- 9781921167249
- 9781921167249
- General fiction (Children's / Teenage)
- Format:
- Paperback
- Publication Date:
- Publisher:
- Walker Books Australia
- Country of origin:
- Australia
- Pages:
- 64
- Dimensions (mm):
- 209x140x5mm
- Weight:
- 0.1kg
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