This guide was developed collaboratively by 28 academic healthcare professionals working within 12 universities worldwide who teach paramedicine.
Emergency medicine pharmacology is a very broad topic. From cardiac to obstetrical emergencies, there is a need for a reference guide that can provide the fundamental information necessary for appropriate pharmacologic treatment. These guidelines provide an invaluable resource for students, paramedics and other practicing healthcare professionals by supplying the necessary facts on over eighty diff erent commonly used emergency medications.
This guide provides:
- An A to Z list of common emergency medications.
- Single page charts containing the medication’s class, mechanism, simple pharmacokinetics, indications,
- contraindications, side eff ects, precautions and facts, common preparations and dosage ranges.
- Appendices of regularly prescribed medications, common formulas for calculations, abbreviations for use in record keeping, checklists for fi brinolytics as well as useful patient assessment tools.
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