Aqui, hay un llamado al cristianismo holistico: un reto a ser pensadores comprometidos y serios respecto a conocer a Dios, a ser sentidores que laten con pasion por Jesus y su evangelio, y ser hacedores que se esfuerzan por hacer grandes actos de amor por otros. Nuestro Salvador mismo nos muestra que el cristianismo holistico se compone de mente, corazon y manos. El nos ensena tambien que la vida cristiana es multidimensional: pensar, amar y hacer son conceptos que no se pueden reducir ni separar. Con las colaboraciones de Francis Chan, Rick Warren, Albert Mohler, R. C. Sproul y Thabiti Anyabwile, Pensar. Amar. Hacer. extiende una invitacion profunda y convincente a experimentar la plenitud de la vida cristiana. Here is a call to holistic Christianity: . A challenge to be thinkers, engaged and serious about knowing God. And to be feelers, pulsing with passion for Jesus and his gospel. And to be doers, endeavoring great acts of love for others. Our Savior himself shows us that holistic Christianity is comprised of mind, heart, and hands. And he shows us that the Christian life is multidimensional--irreducibly and inseparably thinking, loving, and doing. With contributions from Francis Chan, Rick Warren, Albert Mohler, R. C. Sproul, and Thabiti Anyabwile, Thinking. Loving. Doing. extends a thorough and compelling invitation to experience the fullness of the Christian life.
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