1. Introduction.
1.1. Phase s in single component systems.
1.2. Phase transitions in single compo nent systems.
2. Thermodynamics and kinetics of phase transi tions.
2.1. Thermodynamics of phase transitions in single c omponent systems.
2.2. Kinetic aspects of phase transitions in singl e component systems.
2.3. Phase and phase transitions in mutiple com ponent systems.
3. Concepts of metastable states. < BR>3.1. Ostwald s stage rule and definition of a metastable state.
3 .2. Examples of metastable states in phase transitions.
3.3. Appeara nce of metastable states controlled by competing kinetics.
3.4. What are the limitations of this concept?
3.5. Concept of metastability.
4. Metastable states in phase transitions of polymers.
4.1. Supercooled liquids and crystallization.
4.2. Superhea ted crystals and crystal melting.
4.3. Metastable states in phase sep arated polymer mixtures and copolymers.
5. Metastable states observed due to phase transformation kinetics in polymers.
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