This carefully researched book covers exciting trends in the dynamic technologies and business sectors of the Internet of Things (IoT) and Machine-to-Machine Communications (M2M). Many industries have put IoT and networked M2M sensors or nodes to work and continue to invest very heavily in advanced research and development (R&D). Today, IoT has synergies with many highly advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence, agtech, transportation equipment, industrial equipment, controls, automation, wireless networks and predictive analytics. This book includes complete details on the innovative, disruptive technologies based on IoT and M2M, plus our analysis of the practical applications of IoT that will lead to exciting new products and services over the mid-term. This reference tool includes statistical tables and thorough market discussions, as well as our highly respected trends analysis. It contains thousands of contacts for business and industry leaders, industry associations, Internet sites and other resources. The corporate section includes our proprietary, in-depth profiles of over 300 leading companies in all facets of IoT, both public and private, U.S. and international. Here you'll find complete profiles of companies that are making news today--the largest, most successful corporations in the IoT business and related sectors. You'll find a complete overview, industry analysis and market research report in one superb, value-priced package.

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