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Politics of Modern Japan

Politics of Modern Japan

by Christopher Hood
Mixed media product
Publication Date: 26/06/2008

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As the nature of Japan and its role within the world changes, the dynamics of Japanese politics become ever more important in the global setting. This Routledge Major Work brings together key articles looking at the most important issues facing Japanese politics today. The first volume deals with domestic Japanese politics, looking at recent issues such as the ideological shift within Japanese politics, recent election results, how policy is formed and its impact upon elections, the funding of political parties, and the reform of both political parties and key laws, including the Constitution itself. Volume Two brings together key articles looking at recent issues in Japanese politics which focus upon the international stage. These include articles looking at the tensions between Japan and its neighbours, the political implications of sending troops to Iraq, how Japan is becoming more assertive, and Japan's quest for a permanent seat on the UN Security Council. Volume Three examines key figures in Japanese politics, including Koizumi Junichuro, Nakasone Yasuhiro, Tanaka Kakuei and Ishihara Shintaro.The final volume looks at Issues and Institutions and the relationship between the political arena and all the main institutions including big business, the bureaucracy and the media.
To date there have been few books which have dealt exclusively with Japanese politics. With more and more students studying Japan, there is demand for books which comprehensively bring the key articles into one collection.
Politics & government
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Taylor & Francis Ltd
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United Kingdom
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