In Pro-Child Politics, Katy Faust has mobilized a collection of experts who apply her children-before-adults approach to their areas of expertise. From porn to debt, foreign policy to religious liberty, each chapter explains how a child-first approach isn't just nice--it's a necessity. Contributors explain how the needs of children are being ignored and propose practical, bold reforms that will ensure the next generation will not only survive, but thrive.
Life - Dr. Abby Johnson (And Then There Were None, ProLove Ministries)
Masculinity - Ken Harrison (Waterstone/Promise Keepers)
Femininity - Peachy Keenan (Domestic Extremist)
Family - Katy Faust (Them Before Us)
Race - Delano Squires (The Heritage Foundation)
Gender Ideology - Chris Elston (Billboard Chris)
Porn - Jon Schweppe (American Principles Project)
The Economy- Christopher Bedford (The Blaze)
Taxes - Grover Norquist (Americans for Tax Reform)
Debt - Phil Kerpen (American Commitment)
Energy- The Honorable Neil Chatterjee
ESG/DEI - Justin Danhof (Strive)
Religious Liberty - Ashley McGuire (The Catholic Association)
Education - Tiffany Justice (Moms for Liberty)
Digital Technology - Maria Baer (The Colson Center for Christian Worldview)
Environment - Chris Barnard (American Conservation Coalition)
National Security- Dan Caldwell (Defense Priorities)
Policing - Ari Hoffman (The Post Millennial and Talk Radio 570 KVI)
Border Security/Immigration - Lora Ries (The Heritage Foundation)
What does pro-child politics require? That every adult prioritizes the rights and well-being of children above their own self-interest. Because the only alternative is for children to sacrifice for adults. And that is a world characterized not only by damaged children, but widespread injustice.
No other book on your shelf spans the topics covered in this collection. The diverse subjects addressed in these pages share one commonality: when we believe lies, children are victimized. Pro-Child Politics strips away the thin veneer of adult talking points to spotlight the most overlooked constituency: our children.
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