Chapter 1: General introduction: the reasons behind and significance of the book.
Problematic Wildlife: definitions and concepts. When and why a wild species may
become problematic
Francesco M. Angelici Problematic wildlife at the beginning of the 21st century:
Chapter 2: Extinct species, species at risk of extinction, and declining species: some current and past case studies. Land fragmentation and habitat degradation
Katarzyna Daleszczyk, Amy Eycott, and Jörg E. Tillmann Mammal species extinction and decline: Some current and past case studies of the detrimental influence of man
Martina Trinkel, and Francesco M. Angelici The decline in the lion population in Africa, and possible mitigation measures
Andrew Dixon Direct and indirect human impact on the globally endangered Saker falcon Falco cherrug in Asia
Alessandro Balestrieri, Luigi Remonti, and Claudio Prigioni Toward extinction and back: The decline and recovery of otter populations in Italy
Chapter 3: When wildlife create problems for the environment and human activities: general features and some case studies
Corrado Battisti and Giovanni Amori Problem solving and decision making in project management of problematic wildlife: A review of some approa
ches and conceptual tools
Sébastien Le Bel, Mike La Grange, and René Czudek Managing human wildlife conflict in Zimbabwe: a boundary perspective rather than a problematic species issue
Rajanathan Rajaratnam, Karl Vernes, and Tiger Sangay A review of livestock predation by large carnivores in the Himalayan Kingdom of Bhutan
Chapter 4: Managing problematic species: case studies from protected areas and areas subject to other kinds of management (rural, forest, hunting and urban areas). Introductions, reintroductions and restocking
Stephen M.Vantassel, and Scott R. Groepper A survey of wildlife damage management techniques used by wildlife control operators in urbanized environments in the United States
Dario Capizzi, Nicola Baccetti, and Paolo Sposimo Fifteen years of rat eradication on Italian islands
Alberto Meriggi, Pietro Milanesi, Anna Brangi, Paolo Lamberti, and Francesca Giannini Management of wild boar in protected areas: The case of Elba island
Mattia Menchetti, Emiliano Mori, and Francesco M. Angelici Effects of the recent world invasion by ring-necked parakeets Psittacula krameri
Chapter 5: Genetic contributions to the management of problematic species
Jaana Kekkonen Temporal genetic monitoring of dec
lining and invasive wildlife populations - current state and future directions
Gaubert Fate of the mongooses and the genet (Carnivora) in Mediterranean Europe: none native, all invasive?
Gabriele Gentile, Cruz Marquez, Howard Snell, Washington Tapia, and Arturo Izurieta Conservation of a new flagship species: the Galápagos pink land iguana (Conolophus marthae Gentile and Snell, 2009)
Chapter 6: Species that are dangerous to humans, man-eating wildlife, etc.
Amy Dickman, and Leela Hazzah Money, myths and man-eaters: complexities of human-wildlife conflict
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