This book is the answer to your problems.
Many people are very busy, but they still find that they are not getting much done. This is because of their mistaken focus on activity rather than productivity; and performance rather than results. When this becomes persistent, frustrations start cropping in.
This book is about productivity - the 'miracle' that make one person's two hours of work worth more than another person's full day's work. It is a miracle if you do not learn. However, if you learn the simple habits of highly effective people, put them into your routine and practice them religiously, you will start living rather than believing the miracle.
The book starts by providing you with information about bad habits that make people less productive. It is only by knowing and understanding this disease (bad habits), its causes, and its symptoms that we can have appropriate cure. In this book, you will learn how to counter bad habits that could be making you less productive and unhappier.
Nothing succeeds without a plan. In this book, you will learn simple plans that you can make to achieve your productivity goals. Planning and setting goals are important to organizing your life, harnessing the power within you, optimizing your productivity and enjoying a balanced stress-free life.
Get this book to learn more about how to optimize your productivity.
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