Foreword - A personal perspective on psychologies of ageing: Christine Bryden
Chapter 1 - Introduction: Psychologies of Ageing: Michael Murray, Carol Holland and Elizabeth Peel
Part I - Social and Critical Psychology
Chapter 2 - Ageing identities in the twenty first century: Ageing well or ageing badly?: Christine Stephens and Mary Breheny
Chapter 3 - Critical psychology, intersectionality and older adults as sexually agentic: Sharron Hinchliff
Chapter 4 - Empathy as a way of acknowledging patients' personhood in palliative care interactions: Joe Ford and Charles Antaki
Part II - Cognitive and Biological Psychology
Chapter 5 - Stress and healthy ageing: Anna Phillips
Chapter 6 - Healthy lifestyle to reduce dementia: Eef Hogervorst
Chapter 7 - Neurocognitive intra-individual variability as an early marker of falls, gait impairment and cognitive decline in old age: Sarah Bauermeister, Becky I Haynes, Jack Graveson & David Bunce
Part III - Community and Political Psychology
Chapter 8 - Home and community supports for older people: Judith Sixsmith
Chapter 9 - Community connections and independence in later life: Charles Musselwhite
Chapter 10 - Social representations, narratives and ageing: Molly Andrews and Michael Murray
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