Section 1 The changing landscape of pub lic health
1. Recent health and social policy developments
2 . Developments in primary care
3. Innovation and change in public health
Section 2 Public health frameworks
4. E pidemiology and its application to practice
5. Social capital and health
6. Needs assessment, public health and commissioning of ser vices
7. Promoting health: Frameworks for practice
8. Develo pments in promoting workplace health
Section 3 The family as a framework for practice
9. The family: a sociological perspect ive
10. The family: a psychological perspective
11. Violence within the family
12. Safeguarding children from physical abuse< /P>
Section 4 Shifting the boundaries of public health and comm unity practice
13. practice nursing
14. district nursing
15. Specialist Community Public Health Nurse: health Visiting
1 6. Specialist Community Public Health Nurse: school Nursing
17. Sp ecialist Community Public Health Nurse: Occupational Health Nursin
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