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Read Write Inc. Phonics: Blue Set 6 More Storybooks (Pack of 100)

Read Write Inc. Phonics: Blue Set 6 More Storybooks (Pack of 100)

by Gill MuntonAdrian Bradbury Alison Hawes and others
Publication Date: 04/03/2021

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These new Set 6A (Blue) Storybooks are designed to give children extra practice, and to develop their fluency and vocabulary further before moving on from the Read Write Inc. Phonics programme.The books are matched to the phonic progression of the existing Storybooks and provide extra practice for children learning the Set 2 and 3 sounds.They include a range of engaging stories such as fairy tales, myths and legends and familiar
settings.Activities at the start help children to practise the sounds and words from the story and questions at the end of the story help to develop children's comprehension.Detailed lesson
plans are provided on Read Write Inc. Phonics Online.The books are part of the Read Write Inc. Phonics programme, developed by Ruth Miskin. The programme is designed to create fluent readers, confident speakers and willing writers. It includes Handbooks, Sounds Cards, Word Cards, Storybooks, Non-fiction, Writing books and an Online resource. Read Write Inc. is fully supported by comprehensive professional development from Ruth Miskin Training.
Publication Date:
Oxford University Press
Country of origin:
United Kingdom
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