1. Key Points to Consider when Studying RNA Remodeling by Proteins
W. Luke Ward and Rick Russell
2. Happy Birthday: 30 Years of RNA Helicases
Martina Valentini and Patrick Linder
3. Known Inhibitors of RNA Helicases and their Therapeutic Potential
Yosser Zina Abdelkrim, Josette Banroque, and N. Kyle Tanner
4. Identifying RNA Helicase Inhibitors Using Duplex Unwinding Assays
John C. Marecki, Alicia K. Byrd, and Kevin D. Raney
5. Thermal Shift Assay for Characterizing the Stability of RNA Helicases and their Interaction with Ligands
Emmanuel Saridakis and Franck Coste
6. SRCD and FTIR Spectroscopies to Monitor Protein-induced Nucleic Acid Remodeling
Frank Wien, Frédéric Geinguenaud, Wilfried Grange, and Véronique Arluison
7. High throughput Protein-Nucleic Acid Interaction Assay Based on Protein Induced Fluorescence Enhancement
Jaroslav Fulneček and Karel Říha
8. Probing RNA Helicase Conformational Changes by Single-molecule FRET Microscopy
Linda Krause and Dagmar Klostermeier
9. A Fluorescent Assay to Monitor Ligand-Dependent Closure of the Hexameric Rho Helicase Ring
Michael R. Lawson and James M. Berger
10. A Simple Fluorescence Microplate Assay to Monitor RNA-DNA Hybrid Unwinding by the Bacterial Transcription Termination Factor Rho
Isabelle Simon and Marc Boudvillain
11. Monitoring Enzymatic RNA G-quadruplex Unwinding Activities by Nuclease Sensitivity and Reverse Transcription Stop Assays
Ewan K.S. McRae, Steven J. Dupas, Negar Atefi, and Sean A. McKenna
12. Using Magnetic Tweezers to Unravel the Mechanism of the G-quadruplex Binding and Unwinding Activities of DHX36 Helicase
Huijuan You, Yu Zhou, and Jie Yan
13. Characterization of the Brr2 RNA Helicase and its Regulation by other Spliceosomal Proteins using Gel-based U4/U6 di-snRNA Binding and Unwinding Assays
Eva Absmeier and Markus C. Wahl
14. Monitoring Acetylation of the RNA-helicase DDX3X, a Protein Critical for Formation of Stress Granules
Makoto Saito, Vytautas Iestamantavicius, Daniel Hess, and Patrick Matthias
15. In vivo cross-linking Followed by polyA Enrichment to Identify Yeast mRNA Binding Proteins
Sarah F. Mitchell
16. Deciphering the Dynamic Landscape of Transcription-associated mRNP quality Control Components over the Whole Yeast Genome
Kévin Moreau, Aurélia Le Dantec, and A. Rachid Rahmouni
17. Probing the Conformational State of mRNPs using smFISH and SIM
Srivathsan Adivarahan and Daniel Zenklusen
18. Probing Transcriptome-wide RNA Structural Changes Dependent on the DEAD-box Helicase Dbp2
Yu-Hsuan Lai and Elizabeth J. Tran
19. In situ hybridization - Proximity Ligation Assay (ISH-PLA) to Study the Interaction of HIV-1 RNA and Remodeling Proteins
Daniela Toro-Ascuy, Aracelly Gaete-Argel, Victoria Rojas-Celis, and Fernando Valiente-Echeverria
20. RNAi Screening to Identify Factors that Control Circular RNA Localization
Deirdre C. Tatomer, Dongming Liang, and Jeremy E. Wilusz
21. A Cell-Free System for Investigating Human MARF1 Endonuclease Activity
Hana Fakim and Marc R. Fabian
22. Monitoring eIF4E-dependent Nuclear 3' end mRNA Cleavage
Mildred Delaleau
23. An In Vitro Approach To Study RNase III Activities Of Plant RTL Proteins Cyril Charbonnel, Anne de Bures, and Julio Sáez-Vásquez
24. Analysis of Bacillus s
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