Make sure you are thoroughly prepared to work in a clinical laboratory.
Rodak’s Hematology: Clinical Principles and Applications, 7th Edition uses hundreds of full-color photomicrographs to help you understand the essentials of hematology and hemostasis. This new edition details the parts and functions of the cell; shows how to accurately identify cells; covers normal hematopoiesis through diseases of erythroid, myeloid, lymphoid, and megakaryocytic origins; and simplifies hemostasis and thrombosis concepts and disorders.
Easy to follow and understand, this book also covers key topics, including working in the hematology and hemostasis laboratory; complementary testing areas such as flow cytometry, cytogenetics, and molecular diagnostics; and laboratory testing of blood cells and body fluid cells.
New to this edition
- NEW! Chapter on Patient Safety in Hematology and Hemostasis.
- NEW! Section on hematology and hemostasis in transgender populations.
- UPDATED! White blood cell chapters are current with the 2022 World Health Organization (WHO) Classification of Haematolymphoid Tumours.
- NEW! Changes in laboratory results associated with COVID-19 and other viral infections.
- NEW! Content and figures on plasma transport, cell communication, and signal transduction.
- NEW! Coverage of CRISPR technology for treatment of hemoglobinopathies and thalassemia.
- UPDATED! Major revision of the Automated Blood Cell Analysis chapter.
Key Features
- Content throughout the text reflects the latest information on hematology and hemostasis.
- Hematology and hemostasis instruments are described, compared, and contrasted.
- More than 700 full-color illustrations and photomicrographs make it easier to visualize hematology concepts and show what you’ll encounter in the laboratory.
- Instructions for laboratory procedures include detailed figures and sources of errors.
- Case studies in each chapter provide opportunities to apply hematology concepts to real-life scenarios.
- Hematology and hemostasis reference intervals are listed on the inside front and back covers for quick reference.
- Bulleted chapter summaries make it easy for you to review important points.
- Learning objectives begin each chapter and indicate what you should achieve, with review questions appearing at the end.
- Appendices provide easy access to a list of key formulas, abbreviations, and a detailed glossary to complement learning.
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