Stan Alves took the embattled Saints to their first grand final appearance in 26 years. His shock sacking 12 months later stunned the Australian sporting public.
In the years that followed, the Saints have failed to deliver and the question remains: After being named AFL coach of the year, why was Stan sacked? Like so many others who lose their jobs, Stan was devastated. Angered and embittered, he fought a desperate battle for survival. Either he conquered anger or anger destroyed him.
This battle was eventually won and today he is one of the most sought after motivational speakers in Australia. One of his favourite topics is the GIANT WITHIN and he is often asked: "Can you do for me or my company what you did for the St Kilda Football Club?" He came, as Peter Keenan said, from "struggle town" and in his early days he did it very tough. Following the tragic death of his 13-year-old son, Matthew, Stan went to hell and back.
He emerged a stronger and more compassionate human being and in 2008 he was awarded an OBM for his services to the community. Cited for special mention was Stan's work with The Sacred Heart Mission, The Christie Centre, The Barwon Bereavement Service and The Bayside Youth Mentoring Program.
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