Now in its seventh edition, Schaum's Outline of Engineering Mechanics: Dynamics is split into two titles to match the current engineering curriculum, latest course scope and sequence, making it an essential study guide for your dynamics coursework.
With an outline format that facilitates quick and easy review and hundreds of examples with clear explanations, Schaum's Outline of Engineering Mechanics: Dynamics, Seventh Edition supports bestselling textbooks and is an ideal study guide for the following courses: Engineering Mechanics; Introduction to Mechanics; Dynamics; and Fundamental Engineering. You'll find useful coverage of all dynamics concepts, including rectilinear motion, curvilinear motion, rectangular components, tangential and normal components, and more, and includes 729 fully solved problems and a final practice exam.
Chapters include Kinematics of a Particle; Kinetics of a Particle; Kinematics of a Rigid Body; Kinetics of a Rigid Body; Work and Energy; Impulse and Momentum; Mechanical Vibrations.
Master essential material for the dynamics course, with an easy-to-follow review that includes:
*New to this edition: The New Schaum's App and website!
*Clear, concise explanations of all dynamics concepts
*729 fully solved problems to reinforce knowledge
*1 final practice exam
*Outline format facilitates quick and easy review of dynamics and a concise guide to the standard college course in dynamics
*Hundreds of examples with explanations of dynamics concepts
*Exercises to help you test your skills and understanding of dynamics
*Extra practice on topics such as rectilinear motion, curvilinear motion, rectangular components, tangential and normal components, and radial and transverse components
*Coverage also includes acceleration, D'Alembert's Principle, plane of a rigid body, rotation, instantaneous axis of rotation, and Coriolis' Acceleration.
*Appropriate for courses in Engineering Mechanics; Introduction to Mechanics; Dynamics; and Fundamentals of Engineering
*Supports these bestselling textbooks: Engineering Mechanics: Dynamics, 12th Edition ( Hibbeler); and Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 12th Edition (McGraw Hill)
*New series cover design, thoroughly updated to meet the emphasis in current courses
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