The premier exam-prep guide for surgery―with 800+ board-style practice questions with detailed answers and rationales
Based on general surgery's cornerstone text, Schwartz's Principles of Surgery, this unmatched study guide provides everything you need to ace your exams―whether you're a medical student, a resident, or a practicing surgeon seeking recertification.
Developed by some of the top minds in modern surgery, Schwartz's Principles of Surgery ABSITE and Board Review delivers the most current, authoritative perspectives on surgical practice. The board-style practice questions are accompanied by answers and comprehension-building rationales, ensuring a complete understanding of the material. Featuring hundreds of illustrations, photos, and tables, this is an essential resource for certification and recertification exam review.
- 54 updated chapters―all aligned with the latest American Board of Surgery Qualifying Board Examination blueprint
- 800+ board-style questions with answers and rationales
- Five NEW chapters: Enhanced Recovery after Surgery, Understanding and Evaluating Evidence, Ambulatory/Outpatient Surgery, Skills and Simulation, Web-based Education and Implications of Social Media
- Questions reflect those most likely to appear on the American Board of Surgery In-Training Exam and the Surgery Board Exam
- 300 photos and illustrations
- Excellent prep for both written and oral boards
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