This book focuses on Chinese cases on the CISG decided by Chinese courts of all levels, focusing on 2011 to 2012. During this period, the number of cases grew fast compared to 2006 to 2010. The total number of cases remained relatively low, the reasons of which might be the following: parties were not familiar with the CISG and therefore decided to opt out of it; in addition, the case collection and report systems in China at that time were not as developed as now, rendering many cases inaccessible.
This book provides a comprehensive and detailed analysis of selected cases. The analysis of those cases is on a case-by-case basis. For each case, an English summary of the judgment is provided. In the comment, the People's Courts' approach to the interpretation and application of the CISG is emphasized. Comments of the individual case are written either by scholars or judges or lawyers from international and comparative perspective to discuss the successes and pitfalls of the interpretation and application of the CISG.
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