(1)Sources of selenium and nano-selenium in soil and plants
(a)Dr. Hassan El-Ramady, Professor, Soil and Water Department, faculty of Agriculture, Kafrelsheikh University, Egypt, email: hassan.elramady@agr.kfs.edu.eg
(b)Dr. Graham Lyons, Research Associate, The University of Adelaide, Australia, email: graham.lyons@adelaide.edu.au
(c) Dr. Steve McGrath, Principal Research Scientist - Head of Department for Sustainable Agriculture Sciences - Harpenden, UK, email: steve.mcgrath@rothamsted.ac.uk
(2)Use of selenium and nano-selenium in agro-biotechnologies
(a)Dr. Eva Domokos-Szabolcsy, Plant Physiology and Biotechnology Department, University of Debrecen, Debrecen, Hungary, email: szabolcsy@agr.unideb.hu
(b)Dr. Daniel C.W. Tsang, Environmental Engineering, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hung Hom, Kowloon, Hong Kong, China, email: dan.tsang@polyu.edu.hk
(c) Professor, GijsDuLaing, Ghent University, Belgium, email: gijs.dulaing@ugent.be
(d) Dr. Xuebin Yin, Suzhou Institute for Advanced Study University of Science and Technology of China, China, email: xbyin@ustc.edu.cn
(3)Selenium and nano-selenium as a new frontier of biostimulants
(a)Dr. Julia Medrano MacÃas, Horticulture Department, Agrarian Autonomous University Antonio Narro, Calzada Antonio Narro 1923, Saltillo 25315, Mexico, email: jmedmac@gmail.com
(b) Professor Yong Sik Ok, Korea Biochar Research Center, O-Jeong Eco-Resilience Institute (OJERI), Division of Environmental Science and Ecological Engineering, Korea University, Seoul 02841, Republic of Korea, email: yongsikok@korea.ac.kr
(c) Professor Luiz Roberto Guimarães Guilherme, Federal University of Lavras, Brazil, email: guilherm@dcs.ufla.br
(4)Selenium and nano-selenium in plant nutrition and crop quality
(a)Dr. Hassan El-Ramady, Professor, Soil and Water Department, faculty of Agriculture, Kafrelsheikh University, Egypt, email: hassan.elramady@agr.kfs.edu.eg
(b)Dr. Hebat-Allah A.Hussein, Botany and Microbiology Department, Faculty of Science (Girls Branch), Al-Azhar University, Cairo, Egypt, email: hebahussein@azhar.edu.eg
(c) Valery P. Kalinitchenko, Institute of Fertility of Soils of South Russia, Krivoshlykova str., 2, Persianovka, Rostov Region 346493, Russia, email: kalinitch@mail.ru
(5)Uptake and metabolism of selenium in plants: recent progress and future perspectives
(a)Dr. ZsuzsannaKolbert, Associate Professor, Department of Plant Biology, Hungary, email: kolzsu@bio.u-szeged.hu
(b)Professor Elizabeth Pilon-Smits, Colorado State University, Biology Department, Fort Collins, CO 80523, USA, E-mail address: epsmits@colostate.edu
(c) Dr.MihalyDernovics, Department of Plant Physiology, Agricultural Institute, Centre for Agricultural Research, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, email: dernovics.mihaly@agrar.mta.hu
(d)Dr. Rudra D. Tripathia, CSIR-National Botanical Research Institute, Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, Lucknow, India, email: tripathird@gmail.com
(6)Synthesis and characterization of nano-selenium using plant biomolecules and their potential applications
(a)Professor MeryamSardar, Enzyme Technology Lab, Department of Biosciences, JamiaMilliaIslamia, New Delhi, 110025, India, email: msardar@jmi.ac.in(b) Dr. Regina SharmilaDass, Molecular Fungal Genetics and Mycotoxicology Research Unit, Department of Microbiology, Pondicherry University, India, email: reginadass@gmail.com
(c) Dr
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