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Sexual Behaviour and Hiv/aids in Europe

Sexual Behaviour and Hiv/aids in Europe

by Michel HubertNathalie Bajos and Theo Sandfort
Publication Date: 30/01/2023

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Originally published in 1998 Sexual Behaviour and HIV/AIDS in Europe is detailed study comparing the major population surveys on sexual behaviour and HIV/AIDS carried out in Europe at the time of publication. Leading European researchers explore the differences and similarities between European countries in patterns of sexual behaviour and responses to the HIV/AIDS epidemic. As well as providing an empirical and methodological base for future research, the comparative analyses lead researchers, policy makers, health-educators and the media to new insights and a deeper understanding of issues that are of central concern in many countries. The chapters include discussion of data on sexual initiation, homosexual and bisexual behaviour, sexual practices, sexual partners, risk behaviour, STDs, preventive practices, the normative context, knowledge of HIV/AIDS, and attitudes towards people with HIV/AIDS. The book results from a major European Concerted Action, funded by the European Union Biomedical and Health Research programme (BIOMED), and coordinated by the Centre d'Etudes Sociologiques of the Facultes Universitaires Saint-Louis, Brussels, Belgium. It follows Sexual Interactions and HIV Risk, published in 1997.

Public health & preventive medicine
Publication Date:
Taylor & Francis Group
Country of origin:
United Kingdom

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