Combine strong computer concepts from the best-selling DISCOVERING COMPUTERS with proven step-by-step instruction on Microsoft Office 2016 in one convenient book. DISCOVERING COMPUTERS & MICROSOFT OFFICE 365 & OFFICE 2016: A FUNDAMENTAL COMBINED APPROACH delivers the best of Shelly Cashman Series in a single resource for your Introduction to Computers course. As part of the Series that has effectively introduced computer skills to millions of students, this book encourages critical thought, personalization, and experimentation with the latest Microsoft Office 365 and 2016 software. Updated and revised computer concepts content throughout this edition reflect the evolving needs of today's Introductory Computing students, focusing exclusively on the skills students need to be successful in college and beyond. Enhancements throughout this edition ensure this book delivers the most effective introduction to Microsoft Office 2016 with extensive resources for both you and your students.
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