It's time to reveal what's under the hat! 'Fasten the seatbelt - you're in for a bumpy ride!' JOHN FARNHAM 'There is another word for music in Australia: Molly-He is known the world over, distinguished by his incomparable knowledge of and love for music, his unabashed yet charming style and, of
… more course, that hat.Though I wasn't witness to his early antics, they have become industry legend. Long may he reign as our King, or Queen, of Pop 'n' Roll. Molly Meldrum is "The Real Thing"'. KYLIE MINOGUE 'No matter where you travel in this big wide world of ours, you will always meet someone who knows Molly. The first thing you hear is, "Didn't I meet you at a party at Molly's?" The conversation is always the same: "Isn't Molly just wonderful'.What about that party." and the always close with "If only those walls could talk"! Well, I'm happy to say the walls are about to start talking and I'm writing this really fast so I can start reading all the stories and wonderful experiences of a truly great man called Molly.' TINA ARENA 'He's my favourite kangaroo!' MADONNA An enormously influential and respected figure in the Australian music industry, Ian Meldrum could be said to be single-handedly responsible for bringing Australian rock music to prominence at home and overseas over the last four decades. A ground-breaking producer of legendary tracks like Russell Morris's 'The Real Thing', Meldrum became a household name as Molly, the presenter of Countdown and icon to generations of Australians who grew up alongside the stars and music Molly brought them. Molly's life has truly been the stuff of legend, and his list of friends reads like a who's who of the music and celebrity worlds. With forewords by Madonna, Elton John and John Farnham, to name a few, and packed with outrageous and hilarious anecdotes and reminiscences from stars the world over, as well as Molly's story in his own words, Some of My Best Friends Aren't will captivate you like no other book. less
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