Statistics for the Terrified Criminologist is a user-friendly introduction to elementary statistics, intended primarily for the reluctant, math-anxious/avoidant criminology student.
Written in a personal and informal style, with healthy doses of humor and encouragement, the aim of this book is to help readers make the leap from apprehension to comprehension of elementary statistics. Statistics for the Terrified Criminologist includes step-by-step instructions on how to run basic statistical tests in SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences) and is intended to serve as a comprehensive text for criminology courses in statistics and research methods; as a refresher for criminology students who have already taken a statistics course; and as a primer for new students of elementary statistics.
Millions of people have math anxiety; yet this fact is rarely taken into consideration in textbooks on statistics. This book also presents self-help strategies (based on the cognitive behavioral techniques of rational emotive therapy) that help people manage their math anxiety so they can relax and build confidence while learning statistics.
Statistics for the Terrified Criminologist makes statistics accessible to people by helping them manage their anxiety and presenting them with other essential materials for learning statistics before jumping into statistics.
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