Corresponding to the chapters in The Human Body in Health and Illness, 7th Edition, this study guide makes it easy to understand, remember, and apply basic Anatomy & Physiology. Engaging exercises, activities, and quizzes help students learn the most important A&P concepts and terminology.
- Each chapter includes three parts:
- Mastering the Basics with matching, ordering, labeling, diagram reading, similars and dissimilars, and coloring exercises.
- Putting It All Together including multiple-choice practice quizzes and case studies.
- Challenge Yourself! featuring critical thinking questions and puzzles.
- Coloring activities help you study and remember the details of anatomy.
- Page references from the textbook are included with the questions, helping you locate the information needed for self-remediation.
- Objectives at the beginning of each chapter reinforce the learning goals of the textbook and set a framework for study.
- NEW! Updated content throughout matches the new and revised content and new emphases of the 7th edition of Herlihy's The Human Body in Health and Illness textbook.
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