Joyce Meyer sabe cuán cierto es esto porque ha enfrentado problemas mayúsculos en su vida. Pero a lo largo de cuarenta y cinco años de estudio de la Palabra de Dios, ha aprendido a encontrar en la Biblia la respuesta a cada uno de estos problemas, y quiere enseñarte a descubrir estas respuestas por ti mismo. En Supera cada problema, Joyce te llevará a través de cuarenta promesas de la Palabra de Dios que pueden darte la sabiduría que necesitas cuando te tropieces con desafíos o dificultades. No importa cuán grande o profundo sea tu dolor, o por cuánto tiempo te haya afectado: este texto te animará e inspirará a confiar en que Dios tiene días mejores reservados para ti. Únete a Joyce en tu viaje hacia el descubrimiento y pon las promesas de Dios a trabajar en tu vida, para que puedas superar cada problema que tengas que enfrentar. ENGLISH DESCRIPTION New York Times bestselling author Joyce Meyer guides you through 40 promises in the Bible so that no matter what problem you face, you have God's ultimate wisdom to overcome it!
Everyone has problems. They may be issues in our relationships, finances, mental and emotional health, physical sickness, and the list goes on. But throughout more than 45 years of studying God's Word, she has learned how to find the answer for every problem you face in the Bible, and she wants to share it with you. In Overcoming Every Problem, Joyce takes you through 40 promises in God's Word that can give you the ultimate wisdom you need when challenges or difficulties come your way. No matter how big or how deep the pain of your situation may be or how long it's been affecting you, you'll be encouraged and inspired to trust God for better days ahead. Everyone has problems. God's Word has answers. Bestselling author Joyce Meyer is no stranger to problems, but she has learned how to find guaranteed solutions in the Bible that work every time. In her new book, she walks you through 40 promises from God's Word to help you tackle even your most troublesome challenges, whether they be relationships, finances, health, career problems or something else. Inside you'll find kernels of truth such as: - The more difficult the obedience, the greater the reward
- Wisdom is doing now what you will be satisfied with later
- God has called you to be fruitful, not busy No matter how big or how deep the pain of your situation, you'll be encouraged and inspired to trust God for better days ahead. Join Joyce on your journey to discover and put God's promises to work in your life, so you can overcome every problem you must face! Join Joyce on your journey to discover and put God's promises to work in your life, so you can overcome every problem you must face!
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