Dr Paul Moorcraft's recent controversial and prophetic book on Islamic terrorism. The Jihadist Threat: The Re-conquest of the West, raised a storm and many questions. Here he answers them.
The author is unusual in having spent time with frontline jihadists in Afghanistan, the Balkans and North Africa. So this is no moral tract based on theory but instead hard frontline combat.
Jihadism became a long-term threat to the West. Then along came Brexit and Donald Trump to add the complications of rogue Russian behaviour. This book is unique in analysing today's crises, and opportunities, in the context of a matrix of threats from Russia, jihadism, as well as China and North Korea.
The possible solutions offered to these challenges are highly provocative, ranging from re-introducing internment for UK jihadists to the dismemberment of the two prime Western enemies - Saudi Arabia and Pakistan. It also looks at possible deals with Russia and China, not least in solving the nuclear sabre-rattling from North Korea.
Professor Moorcraft's expert insights are based upon extensive knowledge and first-hand eye-witness experience. But beware: he doesn't pull punches nor is he at all politically correct.
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