Survey Measurement and Process Quality extends the marriage oftraditional survey issues and continuous quality improvementfurther than any other contemporary volume. It documents thecurrent state of the field, reports new research findings, andpromotes interdisciplinary exchange in questionnaire design, datacollection, data processing, quality assessment, and effects oferrors on estimation and analysis.
The book's five sections discuss a broad range of issues and topicsin each of five major areas, including
* Questionnaire design--conceptualization, design of rating scalesfor effective measurement, self-administered questionnaires, andmore
* Data collection--new technology, interviewer effects, interviewmode, children as respondents
* Post-survey processing and operations--modeling of classificationoperations, coding based on such systems, editing, integratingprocesses
* Quality assessment and control--total quality management,developing current best methods, service quality, quality effortsacross organizations
* Effects of misclassification on estimation, analysis, andinterpretation--misclassification and other measurement errors, newvariance estimators that account for measurement error, estimatorsof nonsampling error components in interview surveys
Survey Measurement and Process Quality is an indispensable resourcefor survey practitioners and managers as well as an excellentsupplemental text for undergraduate and graduate courses andspecial seminars.
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