Once upon a time, the world was but a stage for the exploits of the Shadowmen...The Vampires haunted the rooftops of Paris...Count Zaroff hunted the Serpent Men in the streets of New York...The Queen of Atlantis killed to save her mythical Kingdom...Arsene Lupin prowled the back alleys of Saigon...While in outer space, Doctor Omega and Professor Moriarty finally set foot upon an asteroid...This fifth anthology of pastiches features some of the most amazing encounters between the legendary heroes and villains of popular literature: Count Dracula and Josephine Balsamo, Lord Ruthven and the Count of Monte Cristo, the Nyctalope and Ernst Stavro Blofeld, Arsene Lupin and Hanoi Shan, Irma Vep and Fascinax, Monsieur Lecoq and Dr. Loveless...and even Sherlock Holmes and Tevye the Milkman!
- 9781934543504
- 9781934543504
- Crime & Mystery
- Format:
- Paperback
- Publication Date:
- Publisher:
- Black Coat Press
- Country of origin:
- United States
- Pages:
- 312
- Dimensions (mm):
- 229x152x17mm
- Weight:
- 0.46kg
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