Content-hosting websites, videoconferencing apps, grade- or subject-focused social media accounts: with such a dizzying array of mechanical and virtual help at our disposal, it can be a challenge for educators to know where to even start. Educator and technology consultant Monica Burns can relate, which is why she wrote this book: to share strategies, tools, and insights that teachers can use, regardless of subject or grade level, to effectively incorporate technology in the classroom. Focusing on the "three Cs" of technology implementation--creation, curiosity, and collaboration--Tasks Before Apps offers K-12 teachers
- Detailed advice for (and copious examples of) tech-infused lessons that help students meet learning goals while also developing vital digital citizenship skills.
- Customizable checklists and graphic organizers for planning tech-enabled activities; choosing appropriate programs, devices, and platforms; and setting unit and lesson goals.
- Recommendations for and links to apps and online resources that can facilitate and energize learning.
- Reflection and brainstorming questions for use in book clubs and PLC discussions.
Knowing how to navigate technology wisely--how to communicate effectively on posts and message boards, locate credible information on search engines, and select efficient, cost-effective equipment--is essential for both teachers and students. Whether you are a novice or a veteran, teach kindergarten students or high school seniors, this book is an indispensable guide to furthering academic skills, social development, and digital aptitude in the classroom.
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