Nonword Spelling
Reading Comprehension
Following Directions
Written Expression
One Student Response Form is required for each student who takes the TILLS. A pack of 25 forms is included in the TILLS Examiner's Kit, and additional forms can be purchased here. They're sold in a pack of 25 and come bundled with a pack of 25 TILLS Record Forms. The TILLS Student Response Form is part of the Test of Integrated Language & Literacy Skills (R) (TILLS (R)) the groundbreaking assessment professionals need to test listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills in students ages 6 - 18, and to assess the role of memory in how students perform. Reliable, valid, and comprehensive, TILLS will help you streamline assessment, monitor progress, and reach your ultimate goal: improving students' communication skills so they can succeed in school.
TILLS is the only test that assesses both spoken and written language and shows how these skills relate to each other. You'll get a meaningful profile of skills for each learner, so you can be sure you understand a student's strengths and needs and aren't overlooking something crucial. Unlike most other tests, TILLS also provides diagnostic accuracy in "age bands" meaningful to the development of language and literacy skills, so you'll have the evidence base you need to determine if test scores reflect typical or impaired performance. And if you're an experienced clinician, you can finish TILLS in just 90 minutes or less-which means you'll spend less time testing and more time helping students and planning interventions.
Here is a link to a video introducing TILLS:
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