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The Aboriginal Protesters

The Aboriginal Protesters

The Mudrooroo- Müller Project

by Mudrooroo NyoongahGerhard Fischer and Heinrich Müller
Publication Date: 01/09/2024

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If ever there was hope that our theatre might be ambitious, then this is it. If ever there was hope that our theatre might transcend its past and, through courage, forge something brave and yet fearsome within it, then this might be it... This production is a cry, a call to arms, for all of us as a people; but it is also a call to our theatre, to show where it might go. Tovey and Mudrooroo and, indeed Gerhard Fischer whose concept it is, have shown us. There are occasions, all too rare, when, as a member of the audience, one is privileged to have witnessed what took place. There are also moments when one wants to stand up and bar witness. This is one of those occasions. Angela Bennie, Sydney Morning Herald 1996.

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