Nowadays, more and more yoga and other self-help mentors are popping up, just about everywhere you turn. Mostly, they promise you peace and better health. And many of them try to give you a completely new philosophical perspective on the entire universe and your place in it, usually echoing some Oriental viewpoint about this life and life after death. They do some good and help some people in general ways, but rarely do they try to help you solve your personal problems about your everyday life.
In this book, The Accountability Code, author Marci Barker shares her professionally and personally developed six-point system called - you guessed it - the Accountability Code, to not only help you with your sense of well-being and your physical fitness, but also to help you solve your very own personal problems. Marci has a university degree in Life and Fitness (how many other mentors or trainers do you know that have a bona fide collegiate degree related directly to their work?) and her several years of successful teaching experiences as a personal trainer (see the many very positive testimonials of highly satisfied clients on her website) to authenticate her and her expertise.
Marci has set up a fun, personable website at that is filled with free, short videos featuring Marci herself talking with you to help you set up your own treatment program of mindset orientation, movement exercises, and nutrition advice. You can also engage in live online chats with Marci there, as well as set up a personal, over-the-phone consulting appointment with her for personal help geared to your specific situation or pressing problem.
The following list of the six principles of her Accountability Code in this book shows what she trains you to focus on to go even beyond all her online help in mindset, movement, and nutrition:
Reflection -- meditate on your feelings about your values, goals, problems
Humility -- modestly review your importance, related to who you can be
Planning -- make a written, detailed proposal for achieving success
Implementing -- put into use your plan and your desired skills or values
Commitment -- dedicate yourself to a person or a cause
Feedback -- evaluate information from others, as a basis for improving
To train you in how to use the six principles, Marci conscientiously, thoroughly walks you through numerous examples of the Accountability Code as it has been successfully used in the past to refine values, achieve goals, and solve problems.
If you have questions about applying the six principles in your own life, you can always contact Marci through her website. She loves helping people improve their lives.
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