A young boy growing up in rural China, reared by a loving family and surrounded by the arts, decides that he wants to become a teacher. After beginning his adult life, he sets his sights on the United States to continue his adventure and hone his craft as an educator. A fascination with technology establishes his niche and paves the way for a prolific career. His appreciation for technology was peripheral to his dedication toward teaching, learning, and communication. Unfortunately, many viewed him as out of touch with the ever-steepening curve of progress that diminished his acclaim. Through adversity and doubt, he found peace through creative expression and a life-long love of the humanities.
The Audiovisual Teacher shares the story of Dr. Hamilton Lee, a native of Shantung, China, whose life and career remind us that we should not be blinded by the allure of new technology, but instead seek to understand how it can help us to better embrace our vocations.
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