The Bloomsbury Handbook of Values and Ethical Change in Transformative Leadership in Higher Education explores the theoretical and conceptual frameworks which can broaden and deepen an educational leader's knowledge and skill set related to values and ethical change in times of crises and change. With contributions from five continents, the handbook brings together multi-contextual perspectives to the understanding and application of the theoretical and conceptual models in the field. A broad range of leadership skills and approaches are explored, including collaborative, democratic, learning-centered, transactional, charismatic, transformative, transformational, Stieglerian nootechnologies, agency theory, and network leadership. Countries covered include Australia, Brazil, Canada, Cyprus, India, Italy, Portugal, South Africa, and the UK.
The book forms part of the The Bloomsbury Handbooks of Crises and Transformative Leadership in Higher Education collection, brought together by Mary Drinkwater.
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