Over the last few years, I've been asking people like you how they feel about climate change. Many are weighed down by the responsibility and scale of what's required. More strikingly, I find them describing the same recurring feelings which prevent them from taking effective action: "I feel bad", "I'm confused and overwhelmed", "I'm afraid I'll look stupid". At the same time, most people want to make a difference: to do their bit to fix the plight of our planet. But there are very real practical, financial, and psychological barriers to action.
Making What Was Unmanageable Manageable
This book is designed to get you started, and then to keep you going. It provides a clear, step-by-step guide to reducing your carbon emissions in a way that fits your personal situation, sustains your motivation, and gets your friends involved, too. We can all play our part in this, The Carbon Buddy Project.
The Biggest Rescue Project of All Time
We'd all like that to succeed, wouldn't we? But first, we all have to find our resolve and take that first step. Only then can we leave a positive legacy and a viable future for our children and our children's children. The Carbon Buddy Manual is that first step.
Join Me on the Ride Ahead
- Colin Hastings
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