The co-creative university has become the main driver of social and economic development stimulating internal (students and academics) and external creativity (companies and institutional environment) as well as cooperation in various areas (e.g. applied graduation theses, research projects, lifelong learning).
Intended as a contribution to a better understanding of how universities create value in numerous areas, this book discusses the determinants of creativity and ways of stimulating it with a special focus on approaches and practical solutions relevant to teaching. Examples include problem-oriented student theses, which represent a successful combination of creativity with practical knowledge. Based on the findings of international surveys of students, the author offers an in-depth analysis of the differences between what they expect from universities and the degree to which their expectations are met. Comparing students' opinions with those of employees of international corporations (working graduates) permitted the author to test the actual utility of selected aspects of university education. Regrettably, both groups of respondents gave low ratings to support for developing creativity, which should serve as a warning sign and inform future reforms at this level of education.
This book is primarily targeted to those involved in education, policy-making, and socio-economic development. It provides a rich source of information for university managers on how to better fulfil their missions based on the idea of co-creativity. It also suggests how to improve the effectiveness of research and education in order to ensure that both can better respond to current development challenges.
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